How to create your nonprofit’s first budget (even with no money)!

How to create your nonprofit’s first budget (even with no money)!

Do you want to know the 1 thing to help you raise money as a nonprofit?

Create a budget.

It seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? It seems weird that adding numbers to a document can be the key piece that influences your ability to make money. The fact is, too many people underestimate the importance of developing a budget. They rush to raise money without thinking about what they’re trying to accomplish and what it will cost. If you want to increase your funding, always start with your budget.

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How to Take Nonprofit Board Meeting Minutes + a Meeting Minutes Template

How to Take Nonprofit Board Meeting Minutes + a Meeting Minutes Template

One under-appreciated aspect of running meetings is the meeting minutes. So, let’s talk about how vital it is to capture the notes and conversation from your meetings. In the startup phase, things may be moving quickly, and there often multiple people having multiple conversations. While the meetings help pull it all together, the meeting minutes help solidify your plans. If you don’t document what happened or what was said, it didn’t happen! So let’s break down the importance of meeting minutes and discuss how to keep the best minutes possible. This post will focus on meetings for the board of directors, but can also apply some of the tips at the end of this post to any other organizational meetings.

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What is a Nonprofit Organization?

What is a Nonprofit Organization?

When you hear the word “nonprofit”, what does it mean to you? Many people use that term, but don’t *really* know what they’re referring to, or understand the many different forms that nonprofits can take.

Simply put, a nonprofit’s primary goal is not to make money, but to provide some benefit to its members or the general public. Yet, even though that definition of a nonprofit is simple, there’s so many layers underneath that definition that I will unpack for you in this post.

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How to Start a Nonprofit With No Money

How to Start a Nonprofit With No Money

Chances are if you’re reading this post, you’re starting a nonprofit because you want to see a change - not because you want to make money. When your motivation is to do something good, rarely do you have time in the beginning to think about what it costs. You probably wholeheartedly believe that once you become tax-exempt, everything will fall into place.

What if I told you that I could help you design a plan to raise the money you need to start, even if your organization has $0 in the bank? Keep reading to understand what it really takes to pay for and launch your startup nonprofit.

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How to Get Paid as a Nonprofit Founder

How to Get Paid as a Nonprofit Founder

It’s rare that a person starts a nonprofit just to make money. Everyone who reaches out to me for help wants to start a new nonprofit because they feel led, either by a God-given vision, or a strong desire to see change in their communities. Rarely the first thing discussed is how to get paid. But eventually after investing years of their time and money, many nonprofit founders wonder, when will it be my time to get paid?

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