Get the help you need to start your nonprofit on your own.
Nonprofit Startup
Nonprofit Startup Workbook
You have a vision and you know the potential impact you can have in your community. But, when you think about how you will get there, you often get stuck.
If you need help figuring out how to set up your nonprofit, and how to create a solid foundation, use my nonprofit workbook to guide you through your first year. This workbook follows the step of my free nonprofit checklist to make sure you cover all your bases.
In this digital workbook, there are 10 worksheets that range from helping you develop your idea, identifying state forms, how to create a one-year plan, how to create a budget and fundraising plan, figuring out the insurances you need, and what to consider for staffing and hiring.
Nonprofit Startup Masterclass
Starting a nonprofit can be a confusing process. You can get stuck on Google and Youtube and still be confused about the right steps. This masterclass provides the key details you need to know about when starting a nonprofit. In this 2 hour replay of a live class, I detail important startup considerations for your new nonprofit.
In this class, you’ll learn how to develop a mission and vision statement, how to do a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis, the key information you need for the IRS, and important dates you need to know to stay compliant.
Create Your Nonprofit Program Workbook
In order to launch a nonprofit, you need to define your programs. You may understand what you want to do, but have a hard time describing it to others, or even writing it on paper. If that’s you, this workbook will help you understand how to define each program, so that when it’s time to develop grant proposals, or start planning to launch your organization, you have a clear understanding of what you do.
In this workbook, you will work on defining your target population, developing your problem statement, writing out your program’s structure, develop your program outcomes, and develop a plan for tracking your program’s success.
Nonprofit Business Bundle
This bundle includes 3 essential workbooks that help you get started BEFORE you complete your paperwork. Don’t skip the important planning that should happen before you decide to proceed. This bundle includes the following workbooks: Create Your Nonprofit Idea, Create Your Nonprofit Program, and Build Your Nonprofit Funding Model.
Those workbooks included exercises to help determine whether a nonprofit is the best avenue for your idea and how to create your overall vision; how to sketch out your program services and develop your program outcomes; and how to determine the funding model you will use and cost out your nonprofit.
Develop Your Financial Model Workbook
Are you wondering how your nonprofit will raise money once you launch? Before you start your nonprofit, your financial sustainability should be top of mind. When you develop your early plans, you should be thinking about how you plan to make money and what specific strategies will be most effective for your nonprofit.
This workbook includes a breakdown of the costs of running a nonprofit, examples of different nonprofit models that other nonprofits use so you can decide how you will raise money, and an explanation of the fundraising options available to nonprofits.
Start Your Nonprofit Idea
Are you in the early stages of your nonprofit and you’re trying to figure out if you really want to launch? This workbook is deal for those who are still deciding if a nonprofit is for them, and how to vision and plan for a nonprofit if they choose that route. This workbook is ideal for people who are still in the “idea” phase and have not yet submitted any paperwork.
This workbook includes help deciding whether a for-profit or nonprofit is for you, how to conduct a community landscape study, information about how to perform a SWOT analysis, and how to create your vision and mission.
Raising Startup Funds
Raise Your First $10K Workbook
Are you tired of paying for your nonprofit out of your own pockets? One of the biggest struggles that new nonprofits have is raising money. One of the best strategies for raising money in your first year is using a peer-to-peer fundraising strategy.
This workbook outlines the same strategy I used to help a new nonprofit raise over $100,00 within the first six months.
My 9-step strategy will lay out the steps you should follow to raise money to fund your programs!
Fundraising Masterclass
Are you trying to do good work but finding it hard because you don’t have enough money for your nonprofit? Do you want to pay yourself a salary but struggling to figure out how to raise enough to make it happen? In this masterclass, I break down the fundamentals of nonprofit fundraising so you learn all the different ways to make money. This video is a 2.5 hour replay of a live class.
In the class you’ll learn about the fundraising cycle, how nonprofits make money and how to choose the right strategies for your nonprofit, my six building blocks in my fundraising roadmap, how to identify a target donor and more. It includes a bunch of resources like a budget and fundraising template.
Budgeting Masterclass
Do you want to be more effective at fundraising? Always start a with a goal. Want to know how to create a realistic goal? Create a budget. A budget makes it clear how much you need to spend on your programming and how much your organization needs to run.
With this masterclass replay, I introduce you to budgeting basics, how to figure out staffing costs, two different budgeting templates, and an example grant budget.
How to Ask for Money Masterclass
What if I told you there was a method to asking for money? It’s not enough to ask for support or to encourage people to donate, there’s a system and a process you should be using every time you ask for money.
This masterclass is a replay of a 2-hour class where I discussed the fundraising cycle, how to set up your donation pages, how to write fundraising appeals, and a plan for asking for money during Giving Season.
Nonprofit Visibility Masterclass
How do you raise money when you're a super new nonprofit and no one has ever heard of you? In this class I cover the basic principles to help your nonprofit become discovered. With this masterclass, I introduce you to simple and easy to implement strategies to be discovered, even if you are super new!
This masterclass includes an outline for pitches, information on nonprofit branding, a social media strategy plan that you can implement tomorrow, and a bonus list of video topics!
Starting your first board
Board Recruitment Toolbox
Are you frustrated with the quality of your Board members? Have you tried finding committed members with no success? Are you clueless about the best places to look for Board members?
The key to an effective Board is to recruit the right people in the first place. Use this toolbox to adapt my simple strategy for finding Board members that are the best fit for your organization, who are passionate about your mission, and want to actually serve. Use my templates and guides to customize your own process and start recruiting today.
Boards Masterclass
You nonprofit board is not performing because they don't truly understand their roles. Many nonprofit founders encounter these issues with their boards: they're waiting for you to tell them what to do, they don't show up consistently, they don't want to fundraise for the organization, and no one understands what they should be doing
With this masterclass, I cover the 6 key responsibilities of every nonprofit board member. When board members understand what they're legally and ethically required to do, then it helps them to better plan and show up for the nonprofit. Use this as a training for your board members.
Grant search and writing
Grant Writing Workbook
Writer’s block is the LAST thing you want when it’s time to write a proposal and your deadline is approaching. One of the biggest struggles for startup nonprofits is knowing what to write and what funders are looking for in grant proposals. In my workbook, I’ve developed questions and activities you can do to help draft your first proposal. It covers the 10 common elements of grant proposals to help you know how to respond to funder requests.
In this workbook, I walk you through 10 separate worksheets plus a bonus pre-proposal worksheet that will make the grant writing process easy and quick!
Grants Masterclass
Are you completely clueless about the grants process? Are you curious how other nonprofits easily find their funders and win proposals? This masterclass includes a replay video from over 2.5 hours of a class that covered all of the components of grant writing.
The class teaches you how to find grants; explains the different types of funders; teaches how to prepare your organization to receive grants; explains the common elements of a proposal; and shares tips on building relationships with funders. This download also includes several worksheets, like a grant writing calendar, sample grant writing calendar budget example, and more.
Grant Submission Toolbox
Have you every read a 60 page request for proposals (RFP) and wondered where to start first? Have you found yourself starting at a blank computer screen with a deadline weeks away and nothing written? Grant writing requires organizational skills that not everyone is blessed with.
In this toolbox, I show you the method I personally use to apply for grants. You will never waste time again, spinning your wheels, trying to figure out how to get started. I'll show you how I organize my grant submissions so you can steal my strategy and submit grants with ease.