How Much Does it Cost to Start a Nonprofit?
You know what I love about nonprofits, or any business? Regular people like you and me can start one. From an idea that starts as a simple dream, you can birth something that changes countless people’s lives. Even though it’s more accessible now more than ever to start a nonprofit business, it’s still a confusing process that leave many people with lingering questions: What’s the right process to start? What should I do first, and most importantly, how much will it cost?

How to Take Nonprofit Board Meeting Minutes + a Meeting Minutes Template
One under-appreciated aspect of running meetings is the meeting minutes. So, let’s talk about how vital it is to capture the notes and conversation from your meetings. In the startup phase, things may be moving quickly, and there often multiple people having multiple conversations. While the meetings help pull it all together, the meeting minutes help solidify your plans. If you don’t document what happened or what was said, it didn’t happen! So let’s break down the importance of meeting minutes and discuss how to keep the best minutes possible. This post will focus on meetings for the board of directors, but can also apply some of the tips at the end of this post to any other organizational meetings.

What is a Nonprofit Organization?
When you hear the word “nonprofit”, what does it mean to you? Many people use that term, but don’t *really* know what they’re referring to, or understand the many different forms that nonprofits can take.
Simply put, a nonprofit’s primary goal is not to make money, but to provide some benefit to its members or the general public. Yet, even though that definition of a nonprofit is simple, there’s so many layers underneath that definition that I will unpack for you in this post.

11 Powerful Nonprofit Mission Statements and a Simple Formula to Write Your Own
What’s your mission?
If your dream is to start a nonprofit (or you already have one), prepare to hear that question for the rest of your organization’s existence. It’s by far the most common question you’ll get. If not that question, you will get some variation of it like, what do you do? Who do you help?

For-profit or nonprofit: Which one works for me?
One of the first key decisions you’ll have to make when you have a great idea is how you want to run the business - do you want it to be a nonprofit or for profit? Don’t assume just because you want to take on a charitable activity, that a nonprofit is the best way to do that. So let’s talk through some considerations you should think about before you decide how to move forward with your idea.