How to Get Paid as a Nonprofit Founder
It’s rare that a person starts a nonprofit just to make money. Everyone who reaches out to me for help wants to start a new nonprofit because they feel led, either by a God-given vision, or a strong desire to see change in their communities. Rarely the first thing discussed is how to get paid. But eventually after investing years of their time and money, many nonprofit founders wonder, when will it be my time to get paid?

21 Easy Ways to Make $30,000 for Your New Nonprofit (with no grants)
If you’re thinking about starting a nonprofit, one thing that has to be top of mind is how you plan to financially support it. Too many people start out thinking “if I build it, they will come.” 10 points goes to you if you know that reference. The reality is, having a great idea, doesn’t mean people will flock to you. Just because you think you have a worthy cause that people should throw money at, that does not mean it will happen. It can and will happen with a strong and committed board, hard work, consistency, and a plan.

11 Ways Nonprofits Raise Money
In order to survive, nonprofits have to make money. I’ll take it a step further: In order to survive, nonprofits better make money and not be ashamed to earn a profit to support their activities. There are multiple ways nonprofits can earn money and I’d like to offer the main ways this happens.
As a startup nonprofit, you may have been exposed to smaller, homegrown, grassroots fundraisers like selling food, car washes or concerts. Or, you may not have realized that you were using a common fundraising strategy. Allow me to open your mind by talking through all the different fundraising strategies available to nonprofits.

Grants and Funding During the COVID-19 Pandemic
It is now April 2020. No one reading this would’ve expected the fallout of the global pandemic that is COVID-19. We’re facing stay-at-home orders, many of our family and friends getting sick or dying from the coronavirus, and we will forever be changed by this incredible moment.
COVID-19 has devastated the economy and exposed the vulnerabilities in all of our industries, but especially the nonprofit industry. Many nonprofits who worked so hard to build a strong donor base and a comprehensive fundraising strategy have suddenly been crippled by closings and layoffs. Though some nonprofits have switched to virtual events to raise money and maintain their operations, much of their attention has turned to seeking grants to survive.
The silver lining in all of this chaos is the incredible response from local communities, Congress, government agencies, foundations and corporations. In the midst of the U.S. economy breaking down in front of our eyes, suddenly there has been an outpouring of support from literally everywhere. Nonprofits find themselves in a situation unlike any other - with multiple options to pursue funding and support.

The Nonprofit Startup Glossary: A Reference Guide
Welcome to the ultimate blog post of common nonprofit startup terms. Below I am explaining common terms you’ll see conducting your nonprofit’s business. Starting a nonprofit and navigating the startup phase can be hard enough. Imagine having to know all of the acronyms and terms all at once! It’s so tiring. The reality is that you will come across terms that you’ve never heard of, but now you have a resource to come back to when you’re in doubt. This post will be your ultimate guide and reference that you can come back to time and time again to refresh your memory.