Creating a Nonprofit Budget: 4 Steps to Get Started

Fundraising Efficiency: 4 Event-Planning Tips for Nonprofits

How to Tackle Fundraising Obstacles for New Nonprofits

How to create your nonprofit’s first budget (even with no money)!
Do you want to know the 1 thing to help you raise money as a nonprofit?
Create a budget.
It seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? It seems weird that adding numbers to a document can be the key piece that influences your ability to make money. The fact is, too many people underestimate the importance of developing a budget. They rush to raise money without thinking about what they’re trying to accomplish and what it will cost. If you want to increase your funding, always start with your budget.

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Nonprofit?
You know what I love about nonprofits, or any business? Regular people like you and me can start one. From an idea that starts as a simple dream, you can birth something that changes countless people’s lives. Even though it’s more accessible now more than ever to start a nonprofit business, it’s still a confusing process that leave many people with lingering questions: What’s the right process to start? What should I do first, and most importantly, how much will it cost?